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When our office encountered Kenny I remembered thinking,

that's one of the nicest and most dangerous men I've ever met, 

I didn't think he would live long, I`m glad he did.

                                                                                                                      Jack O`Malley, Former Cook County States Attorney ,  Chicago, IL

I was a presiding Judge that sent Kenny to prison , I knew time spent behind bars wouldn't change him,
never in a million years would I ever have thought change would come but, thank God it did .

                                                                                                                               Judge Terrance H. Jones ret.

If Kenny can be transformed, anyone can.

                                                                                                                                                               Nicholas Decloa, Former Federal Prosecutor 



From a troubled youth in a reform school to an underworld crime figure in Chicago, Kenny was able to keep a low profile and elude justice many times. It was only on a few occasions the indictments stuck and Kenny was convicted and sentenced to prison.

Living with a constant thought that everyday maybe his last one alive or free had created its own kind of prison. For a period in time he not only had bodyguards when he went out, they were in the house with him 24 hours a day.

Trying to hide who he was became a full time job. " I was never free, until I came to the truth and the truth set me free,  what you hide holds you in darkness". 

Kenny has addressed "At Risk Youth" issues throughout the years. In 2014 he founded a veterans organization, The Patriot Project USA a national 501 (c) (3) charity that raises awareness for mental health issues.


                                                                              KENNY DEANDREA                         

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